The 3 Reasons You're Not Booking Clients as a Doula

3 Reasons you're not booking clients as a doula

Whether you’re just starting out or have been in business awhile it’s fairly common to struggle to consistently book clients. You’ve done all the trainings, launched the website, revamped your offers, maybe even lowered your rates, but your calendar (and bank account) is still empty. It can be totally disheartening. Before you throw in the towel and quit, let’s break down some reasons why you’re not landing clients and how to get clients as a doula.

Here’s why your doula business is NOT booked up:


You’re not clear on your brand positioning

Before you leave because of this fancy design term you’re unfamiliar with let me explain what “brand positioning” is and why it matters for your business.

Brand positioning definition:

You can think of brand positioning as a way to describe how a brand differs from its competitors. This differentiation is WAY more than just a unique logo or color palette. It involves understanding how a brand is perceived in the mind of a consumer. Brand positioning requires a thoughtful approach to how you’ll stand out from competitors in a memorable way while also clearly articulating the benefits and what your clients have to gain by working with you.

Understanding your brand position is the key to gaining the perfect clients. Here’s an example of brand positioning for two popular coffee chains—Starbucks and Dunkin’ Donuts. Both of these chains are highly successful and comparable in that they both offer coffee and some food options, but it’s easy to agree that they are also VERY different companies. Brand positioning is what allows them each to stand out. They each have their own unique take and offerings to coffee, thus they have their own group of consumers.

Getting clarity on your brand positioning can be hard—especially if you’re just starting out and you’re lacking experience. To get started gaining clarity take time to answer the following questions:

  • Who do you serve? Get specific. Don’t just say birthing people. You’re NOT the right person for everyone.

  • What unmet need are you fulfilling? What’s the value in your business and offer?

  • Why should people work with you and hire you?

Understand your differences, embrace what makes you unique, and have the confidence to lean into that.


You’re not visible online or in real life

The only way you’re going to get clients is if people know that you exist. So how do you do that?

  • Talk about your business to anyone and everyone who will listen. Share your business cards. Join local networking groups. Engage with other professionals in your community.

  • Of course I’m going to tell you to do this, but launch a website! A website is the online home for your business. If someone hears about you or gets your business card they’re definitely going to Google you to learn more. Launching a website can be overwhelming so check out the free Blueprint to Building a Website.

  • If you’re wanting to be found more easily on Google you’re going to need to learn and implement SEO best practices.

  • Be active on social media. Engage with people there, provide value, and form connections and relationships.

  • Start a blog and email list. Share valuable information and resources to both.

  • Seek opportunities to write guest posts or be interviewed on podcasts.


You’re not talking about your business and offerings

I find this last reason to be very related to the other two points. There are so many opportunities to share your business and what you offer both online and in-person. Approach each interaction from the perspective of “how can I serve and support” and you’ll be remembered and appreciated. People remember how you make them feel so make a good impression. But if you find yourself not doing this it’s probably because you’re not confident about your business. And if you’re not feeling confident about your business, chances are it’s because you don’t know how to talk about it because YOU aren’t clear on what makes you qualified and valuable. While this is partially a confidence issue, it’s also probably tied to the fact that you aren’t clear on your brand position. Once you’re able to clearly define and articulate your unique business and brand it becomes so much easier to talk about it with confidence. If you’re not talking about your business you’re losing opportunities for exposure and visibility. It’s all connected!

Still need a little help? Be sure to check out…


You can create a beautiful brand using Canva that you can’t wait to show off.

This guide and workbook includes:

  • 25+ fillable pages of no-fluff guidance and direction

  • How to uncover your brand mission, vision, and difference

  • Guidance in defining your brand values and brand personality

  • Direction exploring visuals and how to create a unique and aligned Pinterest mood board

  • Overview of color psychology and typography

  • Guidance on creating an effective color palette

  • Example font pairings and directions how to select your own fonts

  • Directions for creating a custom logo in Canva that you have full rights to

  • Example brands designed in Canva to spark inspiration

  • Brand Board template for you to use and customize for your own brand


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